First spell
I had been thinking about getting a blog started for months now, there used to be one in my office but then they sent me to London and I dont have access to it anymore! But I have got too far - guess I must introduce myself to anyone who cares to, or has the time to, read these things. Well, I'm a 24-yr old from the charming city of Hyderabad in central (okay, southern) India. I did my engineering almost by default, and entered into an 'IT' profession after that again, by default and currently working in London. I hope to return to my dear Hyderabad after finishing my 'sentence' here. I follow Cricket as no body in my acquaintance does - I even have what I call a 'Cricket collection ' where I maintain a record of all the matches, events in the world of Cricket through collecting scorecards and articles from newspapers and pasting them in a scrapbook. This way I have followed every match played by India since 1993 and every international match since 1996. May...